How do I unsubscribe from emails?
If you need a break from emails, you have some options:

- Change the frequency of emails. Sometimes a daily email can be a bit much, so you can opt for less frequent emails if you like. Simply log in to your MyCruisewatch account, click on “Newsletter,” and change how often you receive emails under “Frequency.”
- Pause all emails. If receiving an email every week is still a bit too much, feel free to press pause on all emails for a while. Log in to your myCruisewatch account, click on “Newsletter” and select your preferred pause length (up to 6 months) under “Pause all emails.”
- Unsubscribe. While we hate to see you go, if you don’t want to receive any further emails from us, simply click “Unsubscribe” under the “Newsletter” tab in your MyCruisewatch account.