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Best Mexico Cruises

Find the Best Mexico Cruises for you. Easily compare prices and find out when to book your dream vacation to Mexico with our cruise search.

7 Night Mexico


San Diego; Puerto Vallarta; Mazatlan; Cabo San Lucas; San Diego

SAIL DATE:   Apr 04, 2026   -   Apr 11, 2026


$729 $104/night
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$879 $125/night
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$1349 $192/night
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$1549 $221/night
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With, it’s easier than ever to find the best Mexico cruises for the best price. We use data-driven analytics to simplify the process - from finding the sailing that’s perfect for you to offering unmatched price prediction to let you know when to book. Our personalized and super-refined search engine also gives you complete control, and with free automatic price alerts, staying on top of the market is stress-free. Take advantage of our awesome features to save up to 70% off your dream Mexico cruise and explore our library of free resources and expert insights so you can make your Mexico cruise truly unforgettable!